Lateral Gene Transfer Shapes Diversity of Gardnerella spp. Permalink
Our project, led by Lindsey Bohr, characterizing recombination in Gardnerella is now published in Fronteirs in Cellular and Infection Microbiology!
Our project, led by Lindsey Bohr, characterizing recombination in Gardnerella is now published in Fronteirs in Cellular and Infection Microbiology!
Since 2009, rates of gonorrhea have been increasing in the United States. Rates vary across sexual behavior groups and races/ethnicities. However, we don’t k...
Check out this project led by Dr. Samantha Palace discovering a novel mechanism of cephalosporin resistance in Neisseria gonorrhoeae mediated by mutations in...
Check out this manuscript led by Dr. Allison Hicks evaluating sampling strategies for phenotypic testing to identify novel genetic variants associated with a...
Project led by Dr. Alexander Doroshenko describing tuberculosis outbreaks in First Nations communities in Alberta, Canada.